Describe Some Differences Between Hellenic Classical and Hellenistic Art?

Public Historian and co-author of "Exploring American Girlhood in 50 Historic Treasures" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021).



Hellenic studies focuses on the report of the Ancient Greeks. Information technology also studies the impact of Hellenic civilization on other time periods, such every bit the Medieval menses, the Renaissance, and modernistic times. This written report, all the same, is limited in scope to Ancient Greek civilisation between 510 BCE and 323 BCE, a period known as "Classical Greece."

Classical Greece is primarily characterized as a period where Ancient Greece was dominated past Athens. This was because many of the dominant scholars and writers of the period were born in Athens, though we practice have sources from other Greek city-states. The Hellenic Period occurs later what is known as the Archaic Menstruation, the formative menstruum of Ancient Greece from the 8th century BCE (700's BCE) to 510 BCE. In 510 BCE, the first republic was created in Athens following the overthrow of the last Athenian tyrant, due to the efforts of Cleisthenes. The resulting republic immune for the flourishing of free-thinkers and writers, producing some of the most well-known achievements in art, literature, science, philosophy, and other sciences.

Hellenistic studies focus on the study of the Ancient Greeks between 323 BCE and 146 BCE. The divergence between the Hellenic period and Classical Hellenic republic lies in the date of 323 BCE: When Alexander the Nifty died.

As a result of Alexander'southward campaigns, the Greek world was forever changed after his death in 323 BCE. Alexander's campaigns had brought the Greeks into contact with a multitude of Asian cultures, and Alexander had sought to comprise Greek and Macedonian cultures with the cultures he encountered - discouraging later practices of "conquer and assimilate." Thus, the Hellenistic period is characterized past changes in traditional Ancient Greek culture as a result of these contacts, and then history separates the two periods.

The Hellenistic flow ended when the Romans came to town. Between 146 BCE and 30 BCE, the Romans conquered the Greek globe piece by piece, until finally conquering the entire Mediterranean globe in 30 BCE with the conquest of Egypt. Greek culture became absorbed past the Romans, beginning the "Roman Greece" period which lasted until 330 CE. After Roman Greece, Christianization of the European and Mediterranean worlds began, resulting in the final decline of Ancient Greece through 529 Advert, when the Byzantine ruler Justinian I closed the Neoplatonic Academy (which had been founded by the Greek philosopher Plato).

For more information on the history of Ancient Hellenic republic, Buzzbee has created an excellent hub.


The Hellenic period witnessed the invention of philosophy. There were many individual philosophers during this time, each of whom had followers that often branched out from the original philosopher's train of thought. One of the most notable works of this time is Plato's Democracy, which was the earliest systematic treatment of political philosophy. Other philosophers include Aristotle and Socrates.

The Hellenistic menstruum witnessed philosophers who focused on reason rather than the quest for truth. These philosophers possessed a central regard for reason as the key to solving problems, and they denied the possibility of attaining truth. Instead, we see philosophers revert to a reliance on faith - accepting the disability to know truth. The major philosophical groups of this period include the Cynics, Epicureans, Stoics, and Skeptics. Dissimilar the Hellenic period, very few individual philosophers existed independent of these schools of thought.


The Homeric epics originated during the Hellenic menses, reinforcing organized religion in homo greatness and delighting in the beautiful aspects of life. Lyrical poesy thrived in its gentle and personal style. Tragic dramas - such as Antigone and Oedipus - were the supreme accomplishment of the Hellenic world, incorporated in many outdoor festivals for audiences of thousands. And comedy, notably those by Aristophanes, lacked the politeness and subtlety of other genres.

During the Hellenistic period, however, that all changed. Comedies became more than akin to dramas, as evidenced in the works of Menander. Theocritus wrote pastorals that created make-believe worlds, rather than commenting on his own. And prose became dominated by historians, biographers, and authors writing of utopia.

Comparison of the 3 Greek columns

Comparing of the three Greek columns


Art in the Hellenic world is what nosotros recognize as Greek fine art today. It embodied exuberance, cheerful sensuality, and coarse with. Marble statues and reliefs depicted human greatness and sensuality. A notable accomplishment is the rising in architecture of the Doric and Ionic columns.

In the Hellenistic earth, fine art became less "art" and more than "commodity." This shift in focus led to the creation of many "trash" works. Sculpture of the menstruum emphasize extreme naturalism and unashamed extravagance, rather than the former idyllic beauties and perfect Davids. The arts of this time were supported by many wealthy patrons, who used art for show rather than pursue it for its own pleasure.  The architecture of this period too reflected the inherent materialism of fine art, emphasizing grandeur and luxuriance.  Still, some architectural achievements include the kickoff lighthouse, the citadel of Alexandria, and the Corinthian column.


The Hellenic globe witnessed the nascence of many of the globe's nigh well-known ancient scientists and theories.  In astronomy, Thales predicted a solar eclipse.  In math, Pythagorean invented his theorem.  Aristotle engaged in metaphysics and syllogism.  It was science as we know information technology today: systematic investigation coupled with rational enquiry, in the pursuit of the truths of the universe.  In medicine, many scientists used philosophy rather than science.  Most "doctors" considered that regularities divorced from supernatural causes created illness and wellness (i.due east., God doesn't similar what you did to your sister, so now you're sick!).  All the same, this menses too witnessed the achievements of Hippocrates, who is considered the "male parent" of modern medicine and invented the practice of bleeding patients to release the toxins.

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The Hellenistic world, dissimilar its faults in many of the other arts, actually built upon the foundation laid by Hellenic scientists.  Considered the Get-go Great Age of science, intellectual inquiry was supported past wealthy patrons who helped the sciences to thrive.  The elements of geometry, physiology, and Archimedes' principle of specific gravity are only few of the many achievements of the menstruum.  In medicine, achievements also continued: including describing the brain, determining pulse and its meaning, and determining that the arteries only contain blood.


Religion in the Hellenic world derived from the debates of philosophers. There were debates over the goals of existence, which generally led to some kind of intellectual cultivation and the search for the highest good. The Aboriginal Greek pantheon of gods had been developed past this time, only the nature of the pantheon left humans able to question and debate the significance of the gods and their actions.

The Hellenistic menstruum witnessed some major developments in organized religion. Zoroastrianism arose as one of the showtime documented monotheistic religions, with Ahura-Mazda every bit the single god and the intercession of magi (priests) on world. Mystery cults besides permeated the period, stressing ecstatic mystical union and otherworldly conservancy. Mithraism, some other monotheistic organized religion, also arose in the this time period, with the god Mithra having been born on December 24 and holding Sunday every bit a sacred mean solar day. (Does Mithra sound familiar?)


Hellenic Hellenistic

Time Period

510 BCE - 323 BCE

323 BCE - 146 BCE


Quest for truth; Individuals (Plato, Aristotle, Socrates)

Reason; Groups (Cynics, Epicureans, Stoics)


Homeric Epics; lyrical poetry; comedy

Dramas; pastorals; history, biography; utopia


Exuberance, sensuality; marble statues; Doric & Ionic Columns

Commodification; naturalism; extravagance; Corinthian Cavalcade


Thales, Pythagorean, Aristotle, Hippocrates

Archimedes (geometry, physiology); the body


Derived from philosophers; questioning of gods

Zoroastrianism (monotheism), Ahura-Mazda, mystery cults, Mithraism

Further Reading - Highly Illustrated

Farther Reading - Newest Scholarship

Questions & Answers

Question: How did the political institutions of the Hellenistic world differ from those of classical Greece?

Respond: The Hellenic period is marked by a plow from the classical Greecian urban center-states, which were each independent of the others, and to a more centralized authorities. This is because, as a result of diverse wars in the 300s and 400s BCE, nigh of Greece came under the command of Sparta, then Thebes, and finally Macedonia. Alexander the Great is peradventure the all-time known Macedonian, and it was his conquests that united the Greek city-states with the residuum of the globe into an empire. With empire came a huge change in politics, setting the stage for Hellenic authorisation of the Mediterranean. Though Alexander was Macedonian, he was taught by and highly influenced past Classical Greek culture, so through Alexander, the residual of the Mediterranean earth became Hellenic in various ways. This would final for the rest of the Hellenistic period, until Rome conquered all.

Question: How did Greek sculpture and drama alter during the Hellenistic Era?

Reply: Like nigh Greek art, Hellenic sculpture inverse from idyllic, exuberant, and cheerful sensuality in marble statues and reliefs to more of a "commodity." Hellenistic sculpture was more naturalistic and extravagant; with fine art existence used to reflect wealth rather than personal taste.

In the Hellenic period, drama was focused on tragedies, with classics like Antigone and Oedipus as its supreme achievements, and showcased in festivals to thousands. With the rise of the Hellenistic menstruum, tragedy and one-act tended to merge into "dramas" as evidenced by the works of Menander and Theocritus.

Ava Rehkop on Nov twenty, 2019:

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gjvjruikmh on Apr 09, 2019:

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Ced Yong from Asia on October 21, 2016:

Very informative! Shamefully, I always thought the two terms were synonyms.

John Thompson on August 08, 2016:

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Tiffany Isselhardt (author) from United states of america on April x, 2014:

Charles, this commodity is meant but to focus on the traditional Greek boundaries But, and on aspects other than the traditional "social-economical-political" discussion. A discussion of the larger world (the non-native Hellenistic world), and the social/economical/political would be far too detailed for a single Hub. I aim to focus only on the differences before and subsequently Alexander the Keen, particularly concerning the arts and sciences, equally a means of introducing newcomers to the topic equally well as showcasing data that you don't typically detect in textbooks.

Aisha Darwish on April 10, 2014:

At the second line of the paragraph "Hellenistic studies":

The difference betwixt Hellenistic (and not Hellenic) period and the Classical Greece.....

Charles Rush on Apr 09, 2014:

This commodity ignores the Hellenistic world outside traditional Greek boundaries. Why is there no talk of the social-economical-political differences between the Hellenic Greeks and the non-native Hellenistic world

Pindar'south muse on Feb eighteen, 2012:

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